Text Chat Generator for AO3

This makes it faster to generate fake text messages for works on AO3. It is based on this tutorial by CodenameCarrot and La_Temperanza (which provides most of the CSS used).

Caveats and limitations:


This generator primarily works off line breaks to determine which side of the converation a message belongs to. Each new line indicates a new message:

  A message from speaker one.
  A second message from speaker one.

An extra blank line indicates a switch in speaker:

  A message from speaker one.
  A messge from speaker two.
  A second message from speaker two.
  A reply from speaker one

Sent images are represented as a line with just the url to an image (beginning with http:// or https:// and including an image file extension such as .png in it), followed by a line that gives an accessible text description of the image:

  My example image
Messages immediately above or below the image lines will be rendered as messages from the same side of the conversation as the image.

When you are satisfied, create a new work skin and paste in the contents of the 'Final CSS' textbox, and then create a new work, select the work skin you just saved for it, and then use the contents of the 'Final HTML' box in your work, where you want the generated messages to appear.


With workskin enabled:
With workskin disabled: